Enriching lives through art and craft

Lesley DarlingFibers

Lesley Darling


Lesley Darling’s passion for fiber and folk life has led her on quite the journey — from organic wool farms in Wales to weaving with village elders in rural Sweden, and beyond. A specialist in natural dyes and historic techniques, she spins, weaves, knits, and keeps a very spoiled Angora rabbit. She teaches online and in-person workshops for beginners and advanced students with humor while sparking their curiosity in the world around us. Lesley has had the honor of working with renowned artists such as Nancy Bush and Martha Owen, and is a regular instructor at the American Swedish Institute, the Vesterheim Museum, John C Campbell Folk School, and others.


ART WORKSTENNESSEE ARTS COMMISIONTENNESSEE FOR THE ARTSTennessee Specialty License PlatesEAST TENNESSEE FOUNDATIONWindgate Foundation Arrowmont is being supported, in whole or in part, by federal award number SLFRP5534 awarded to the State of Tennessee by the U.S. Department of Treasury.

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