Enriching lives through art and craft

Grant Benoit・ Winter Pentaculum CoordinatorFibers

Grant Benoit | Arrowmont Winter Pentaculum Instructor in Fibers

Grant Benoit is an interdisciplinary artist who observes notions of memory through printmaking, fiber arts, and craft methods.  In his practice, Benoit combines traditional methods to reinterpret the mechanics of memory through the lens of the domestic space. He received his Master of Fine Arts in Printmaking from Southern Illinois University-Carbondale in 2015, and his Bachelor of Arts in Studio Arts from Spring Hill College in 2012. Benoit was a 2016-17 Artist in Residence at Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts and the 2017-18 Community Artist at the Bascom: A Center for the Visual Arts. Benoit is the Director of Education at Craft Alliance in St. Louis, MO.

Grant Benoit/Printmaking
Instagram: @grantbenoit

ART WORKSTENNESSEE ARTS COMMISIONTENNESSEE FOR THE ARTSTennessee Specialty License PlatesEAST TENNESSEE FOUNDATIONWindgate Foundation Arrowmont is being supported, in whole or in part, by federal award number SLFRP5534 awarded to the State of Tennessee by the U.S. Department of Treasury.

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