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Metal Clay: Exploration of Texture

August 4 - 9, 2024

Patrik Kusek  ·  website

Workshop Overview

In this workshop, students will learn about metal clay construction techniques, ranging from rings to necklaces, dry construction, hollow forms, and carving. The workshop will explore the endless possibilities of custom textures, pulling inspiration from our surroundings. Students will curate a palette of textures to help express their artistic voice. In addition to exploring texture making, students will also learn about one-part and two-part mold-making. This workshop is welcome to beginner students or artists with prior experience using metal clay.


  • Basic and intermediate metal clay skills
  • Texture making
  • Mold making
  • Curating and editing


  • Class Materials List
  • Please note any materials you are expected to purchase prior to arrival
  • Estimated fees vary based on class size and materials used


  • Skills and knowledge to create metal clay projects
  • Create custom textures
  • Ring making, pendants, hollow forms, layered construction and firing techniques
  • Skills needed to evaluate and edit concepts that support their vision



Fees exclude housing and meal plans. Review housing options here.

Artist Bio

Patrik Kusek, a jewelry artist and instructor, has a passion for curating unique objects, strange concepts, and thoughtful memories. With a background in design and fashion, Patrik’s creative vision and brand are influenced by his experiences in these fields. With degrees in Fashion Marketing and Graphic design, Patrik has worked as a Fashion Stylist at Macy’s San Francisco and owned a graphic design firm. Currently, he is a metal clay studio artist and YouTuber. He holds certifications from both the PMC Guild and Art Clay. He worked for Rio Grande as a PMC Certified Instructor. His work has been featured on HGTV’s “That’s Clever” and published in various books and publications. Patrik is the recipient of the 2007 Saul Bell Award (1st place) and the 2016 Saul Bell Award (2nd place) in the PMC category. His work has been highlighted in Ornament Magazine.

  • Patrik Kusek
  • Patrik Kusek
  • Patrik Kusek

ART WORKSTENNESSEE ARTS COMMISIONTENNESSEE FOR THE ARTSTennessee Specialty License PlatesEAST TENNESSEE FOUNDATIONWindgate Foundation Arrowmont is being supported, in whole or in part, by federal award number SLFRP5534 awarded to the State of Tennessee by the U.S. Department of Treasury.

Donation to Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts

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